July 11–18 Cape Cod Circumnavigation

Join us for this exciting new offshore loop that circumnavigates Cape Cod! What?! How can you circumnavigate a cape? Via the Cape Cod Canal of course! Thanks to modern technology, Cape Cod is now an island.

We’ll set sail from Rockland and point the bow south against the prevailing sou’westerlies til we get to the canal entrance. We’ll sail directly over Stellwagen Bank, a feeding ground for whales. Once through the Cape Cod Canal, we’ll sail down Buzzards Bay towards Woods Hole, and make our way into Vineyard Sound. Depending on our timing, we may be able to spend the night anchored in Vineyard Haven, one of our favorite places on earth. We’ll make our way east towards Monomy Shoals, and turn north for The Gulf of Maine. We’ll be entering the shipping channels for Boston again, so keeping a keen lookout will be paramount. We’ll arrive back in Rockland 8 days later after having sailed well over 400nm.